Crossfit Football WODS

Crossfit Football WODS

CrossFit Football

Crossfit WODS

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CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness

Sunday, August 22, 2010

WOD 08-23-2010

5x5 Bench Press +5lbs from previous lift

8 rounds for time
Sprint 50 yards
5 Rt arm 50lb dumbbell snatch (modify weight as needed)
5 Lt arm 50lb dumbbell snatch
7 pull ups

Post weight and time to comments


David Auld said...

bench - 180 lbs

WOD - 14:38

Drew said...

Sup bitches. I'm here to make you all feel better about yourselves.

Bench - 95 (mainly bc I screwed myself over Saturday lifting and am still sore)

WOD - 30:00. All of the workouts listed were in different sections of the gym so it took me a little bit to do the rotation.

Ross Riddel said...

Bench 180 Ibs
WOD 16:29

Michael Auld said...

Bench 170lb


Bench 190lb

WOD- 19:45

David Auld said...

I think we may have been doing the dumbell snatches wrong... That is the only thing I can think of...