Crossfit Football WODS

Crossfit Football WODS

CrossFit Football

Crossfit WODS

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CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

WOD 08-18-2010

5x5 Bench Press +5lbs from previous


3 rounds, each round 3 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest
Use 40% of bodyweight for lifts

Round 1: AMRAP 5 overhead squats/ 5 burpees
Round 2: AMRAP 5 shoulder to overhead (any way) / 5 box jumps
Round 3: AMRAP 5 hang cleans / 5 push ups

Post total reps and weight to comments.


David Auld said...

bench 175

WOD with 3 minutes rests (Ross and I rotated who was going).
16 rounds. 75 lbs.

Michael Auld said...


Bench Press 165lbs
WOD 20 rounds


Bench Press 185lbs
WOD 15 rounds

Ross Riddel said...

Bench 175
WOD 16 rounds 75Ibs