Crossfit Football WODS

Crossfit Football WODS

CrossFit Football

Crossfit WODS

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CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

WOD 09-01-2010

5x5 Bench Press + 5 lbs from previous lift

3 rounds each for time
row 500 meters
run 400 meters

rest exactly 3 minutes between rounds

post weight and times to comments.

Monday, August 30, 2010

WOD 08-31-2010

5x5 Deadlift (+5lbs from previous lift)

Barbell Complex
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Jerks

Use 50 % of Push Jerk 1 rep max
Post weight and time to comments.

WOD 08-30-2010

5X5 Bench (5 lbs from last bench)
Complete 2 rounds for time:
5 push press 75 lbs
Sprint 100 yards
10 push press 75 lbs
Sprint 80 yards
15 push press 75 lbs
Sprint 60 yards
20 push press 75 lbs
Sprint 40 yards
*rest 45 seconds between rounds

Friday, August 27, 2010

WOD 08-28-2010

Deadlift - 5x5 ( +5 to previous 5x5 max)

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 lbs
Push jerk, 75 lbs

Thursday, August 26, 2010

WOD 08-27-2010 "Darlene"

5x5 Bench (+5 lbs to previous 5x5 max)

DWOD "Darlene"
AMRAP 15 minutes
5 Hang Power Cleans 115 lbs
7 Supine Ring Pull Ups
10 20" Box Jumps

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

WOD 08-26-2010 "Murph"

5x5 Deadlift

WOD "Murph"
Run 1 mile
300 squats
200 push ups
100 pull ups
Run 1 mile

Post weight and time to comments.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

WOD 08-25-2010 "Beatrice"

Bench 5x5 (add 5 to previous 5x5 max)

DWOD "Beatrice"
8 Rounds for time:
10 Squats 135 lbs
7 pullups
10 knees to elbows

Monday, August 23, 2010

WOD 08-24-2010

5x5 Deadlift

95lb Push Press
Ring Dips (3 standard dips per ring dip if no rings)
Calorie Row

Post weight and time to comments.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

WOD 08-23-2010

5x5 Bench Press +5lbs from previous lift

8 rounds for time
Sprint 50 yards
5 Rt arm 50lb dumbbell snatch (modify weight as needed)
5 Lt arm 50lb dumbbell snatch
7 pull ups

Post weight and time to comments

Rest Day!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

WOD 08-20-2010

5x5 Bench Press +5lbs from previous lift

AMRAP in 15 minutes
3 handstand push ups (use smith machine to assist if needed)
5 pull ups
7 knees to elbows

Post rounds to comments.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

WOD 08-19-2010

Deadlift 5x5 +5lbs from previous

WOD For Time
Row 250m
20 50lb DB hang cleans
Row 250m
15 50lb DB hang cleans
Row 250m
10 50lb DB hang cleans
Row 250m
5 50lb DB hang cleans
Row 250m

Post time to comments.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

WOD 08-18-2010

5x5 Bench Press +5lbs from previous


3 rounds, each round 3 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest
Use 40% of bodyweight for lifts

Round 1: AMRAP 5 overhead squats/ 5 burpees
Round 2: AMRAP 5 shoulder to overhead (any way) / 5 box jumps
Round 3: AMRAP 5 hang cleans / 5 push ups

Post total reps and weight to comments.

Monday, August 16, 2010

WOD 08-17-2010

5x5 Deadlift +5lbs from previous lift

5 rounds for time
20 yard Bear Crawl (10 up and 10 back)
5 Heavy Deadlifts (scale to weight you are capable of)
10 Burpees

Post weight and time to comments.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

WOD 08-16-2010

5X5 Bench Press +5lbs from previous lift

AMRAP in 12 minutes
10 Supine Ring Pull-ups (use smith machine if no rings)
10 Push-ups (chest to floor to elbows fully extended at top)

Post bench press weight and total rounds to comments.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

WOD 08-15-2010

5x5 Deadlift (+5lbs from previous lift)


45lbs Dumbell Power Snatch right arm for 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
45lbs Dumbell Power Snatch left arm for 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Supine Ring Row 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Box Jumps 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

Post total reps
(If no rings, use bar on smith machine, preferable to do this workout with a partner timing you and counting reps)

WOD 08-14-2010


Friday, August 13, 2010


5x5 Bench Press 180lbs on smith machine
WOD Clean and Jerk 130lbs 8 min 50 sec

Thursday, August 12, 2010

WOD 08-13-2010

Bench Press 5x5 (+5lbs from previous lift)

9 Clean and Jerks
Sprint 200m
6 Clean and Jerks
Sprint 100m
3 Clean and Jerks
Sprint 50m

Go as heavy as possible on Clean and Jerks
Post weight and time


WOD 4min (bar clean and jerks)

Deadlift 5x5 190lbs
WOD 13 min 30 sec


Deadlift 5x5 190lbs
WOD 10 min 30 sec


Deadlift 5x5 230lb
WOD 8min


2 mile run
WOD 7min (30lb press and jumping pull-ups)

5x5 Dead 205

Press 95 Ib
Pull Ups
5x5 dead 205 lbs

Press 95 lbs.
Pull Ups

95 lbs press was too much weight.  My shoulders are toast.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

5x5 bench 160 lbs

10 thrusters 45 lbs
10 rows 100 lbs
12 minutes
9 rounds

5x5 Bench Press 155lbs (this was actually 5lbs more than last time but we realized we had been using a 40lb bar)

WOD (AMRAP in 12 min 10 45lb thrusters 250m row) 5 rounds +10 thrusters


5x5 Bench Press 175lbs

WOD 5 rounds +10 thrusters


5x5 dead lift + 5or10 previous 5x5

Press 95 lbs.
Pull Ups
For time
5x5 bench 160 lbs

10 thrusters 45 lbs
10 rows 100 lbs
12 minutes
9 rounds

The row machine was broken at the health sciences center so we just did what we could.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

5x5 Deadlift 195lbs
WOD (10 rounds of 5 pull ups, 5 clapping pushups, 7 ghd situps) 13 min 17 sec


Strength Training
5x5 Bench Press

10 45lb thrusters
Row 250 m
AMRAP 12 min (go faster than you think you can on the rows)
5x5 Deadlift 185lbs
WOD (10 rounds of 5 pull ups, 5 clapping pushups, 7 ghd situps) 12 min 10 sec

5x5 Deadlift 185lbs
WOD 12 min 15 sec
5x5 deadlift - 195 lbs

5 pull ups
5 clapping push ups
7 ghs sit ups
10 rounds
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Monday, August 9, 2010

5x5 benchpress - 155 lbs

10kb swings - 55 lbs
15 box jumps
10 toes to bar
5 rounds

*5x5 Bench Press 155lbs.
*WOD 10-15-10 6 rounds for time (1 1/2 pood swing, box jump, toes to bar) 11min 50 sec

*5x5 Bench Press 175lbs.
*WOD 11 min 59 sec (Tim felt integrity called him to mention that he didn't really do toes to bar)

*WOD with 40lb swings (a lot of weight for her) 12 min 15 sec


5x5 benchpress - 155 lbs

10kb swings - 55 lbs
15 box jumps
10 toes to bar
6 rounds

Sunday, August 8, 2010