Crossfit Football WODS

Crossfit Football WODS

CrossFit Football

Crossfit WODS

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CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trophy Case

I was thinking about my goals relating to crossfit and I was thinking it could be fun for us to have our own "trophy case." So post workouts that are currently out of our reach that we could work toward! I will make a separate "trophy case" page after we get 10 workout ideas posted here.


David Auld said...

Muscle-up handstand pushup

Ross Riddel said...

15 Clean and Jerks 135lbs without resting the bar on the ground.

Ross Riddel said...

Run 1 mile and bench-press your body weight 21 reps all within ten minutes.

David Auld said...

Sub 7 minute 2k row

David Auld said...

Sub 20 minute 5k

David Auld said...

Advanced CFT score

Michael Auld said...

Sub 5 minute "Fran" time!

Michael Auld said...

Sub 40 min pure "Murph"

David Auld said...

10 muscle ups without touching ground

David Auld said...

Larry- 21 minute 5k row