Crossfit Football WODS

Crossfit Football WODS

CrossFit Football

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CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness

Sunday, November 7, 2010


We have reached a milestone and will be trying to work predominately off of the Crossfit Football Offseason Daily WOD's for the foreseeable future!
I am open to suggestion, but I think we should continue the strength focus 5x5's for a while.


David Auld said...

Not sure what everyone else is thinking, but I was kinda wanting to do the CF football strength workout daily + whatever daily wod we want. I am sort of worried that focusing on 2 exercises for a month and a half could cause losses in other areas.

Ross Riddel said...

I think it has been a good thing getting our strengths up with the 5x5 workouts really concentrating on two exercises so we could get a feel for these strength lifts. I also agree with David about switching it up after we feel comfortable with our strength lifts to the point we can switch things up without having to learn the lift or start at a weight lower than we should.